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Research infrastructure


Research infrastructure encompasses facilities and other resources that are available for research purposes and can be used by several research groups. Examples of this are expensive equipment, certain organisations or extensive computer networks that are used nationally or internationally. Within several fields of research a joint infrastructure is essential for high-quality research.

The Government is now making large investments in research infrastructure. Preparations for the construction of the European Spallation Source (ESS) are now underway in Lund. The Max IV facility for a new generation synchrotron radiation light source is under construction in Lund. The national resource centre for molecular life sciences and medicine - the Science for Life Laboratory (SciLifeLab) - was inaugurated in 2010 in the Stockholm and Uppsala region.

National research facilities

The Swedish Research Council makes decisions regarding support to larger research facilities. Its Council for Research Infrastructures is responsible for strategic planning concerning the future needs of Swedish research for advanced and expensive equipment. In 2011, the Swedish Research Council allocated some SEK 457 million to national research infrastructure.

Research libraries and archives

The National Library of Sweden is the Swedish archive for audiovisual material. The task of the library is to collect, conserve and make available those parts of the media in Sweden that are published in the form of printed matter, sound and moving images. The goal is to improve the dissemination of information to the research sector by enabling greater access to the Swedish printed word, sound and moving images, thereby promoting higher standards in Swedish research.

Polar research expeditions

Research in the polar regions often requires major logistical resources. The Swedish Polar Research Secretariat is the Swedish agency responsible for supplying the logistical equipment necessary for carrying out expeditions in the polar regions. Logistical support includes boats, helicopters, tracked vehicles and research stations. Technical staff often support the researchers in various ways in their work.
