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International development cooperation strategies from Ministry for Foreign Affairs

Strategy for the full range of Swedish cooperation with South Africa 2009 - 2013 Reference No.: UD 09.114

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The South African elections held in April 2009 were a confirmation of the democratic development that emerged in the early 1990s and led to the demise of apartheid in 1994. It that respect, and despite major economic injustices, the widespread prevalence of HIV and AIDS, high crime rates, etc., South Africa is seen as a model for large parts of Africa. During the struggle for democracy, Sweden provided long-term, crucial support to various South African freedom movements. Sweden has won a reputation as a promoter of democracy, peace and freedom, development, human rights, the equal worth and dignity of all people, and gender equality. South Africa is increasingly developing into a modern country with global interests, although it has not entirely shaken off its legacy of injustices from the apartheid era.
