Ten countries gathered to strengthen civil protection and resilience
On 6 September, the Regional Civil Protection Forum was held in Vilnius, Lithuania. A joint statement was issued in conjunction with the forum. Sweden was represented by Johan Berggren, State Secretary to Minister for Civil Defence Carl-Oskar Bohlin.

Forum participants included ministers and high-level representatives with responsibility for civil protection in Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Sweden and Ukraine. The aim was to exchange experiences and lessons learned so as to be better equipped to meet common threats. The focus was on three areas: information and warning systems, and preparedness; developing shelters; and cross-border mass evacuation.
The Forum concluded with the 10 countries presenting a joint statement on measures to strengthen civil protection and resilience. The joint statement stressed the need for stronger measures in the area of rescue services, further development of coordinated European crisis preparedness, increased resilience, including the general public’s awareness and preparedness, stronger civil-military collaboration and more ambitious risk assessments at EU level to better understand threats and ensure more effective civil protection measures. In their statement, the countries also expressed their steadfast resolve to continue supporting Ukraine as long as it takes.
The Regional Civil Protection Forum
The Regional Civil Protection Forum was held at the initiative of Lithuania’s Minister of the Interior Agnė Bilotaitė. The Forum was a regional follow-up of the 8th European Civil Protection Forum held on 4–5 June 2024 in Brussels, which focused on continued strengthening EU resilience.