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Medical care

Medical care involves the measures taken to provide care for those who are ill and the development of medical and health care services. Care should be equitable, gender-equal and accessible, and offered on equal terms according to need.

Responsible for medical care

Responsible minister

Acko Ankarberg Johansson Minister for Health Care

Responsible ministry

News about medical care

  • We must not forget the lessons learned during the COVID-19 pandemic

    Jakob Forssmed
    Social Affairs and Public Health Jakob Forssmed Photo: Kristian Pohl/Governments Offices

    Our capacity to manage a pandemic is better today than it was in 2020. However, a crisis requires more than preparedness in the form of regulatory frameworks,” writes Minister for Social Affairs and Public Health Jakob Forssmed in an opinion piece in Altinget.

A group of people standing behind a big sign with the text "UNGA" on it.
The High-level Meeting on antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is the second of its type. The first took place in 2016. Photo: Martin Premmert/Government offices of Sweden

UN political declaration focuses on efforts to counter antimicrobial resistance

On 26 September, a High-level Meeting on antimicrobial resistance (AMR) was held during the United Nations General Assembly. The Meeting is the second of its type, with the first having been held in 2016. The meeting included the ceremonial adoption of a political declaration on global and national undertakings in efforts to counter AMR. Minister for Health Care Acko Ankarberg Johansson headed Sweden’s participation in the Meeting.

Deputy Secretary for Health and Human Services, Andrea Palm, and Minister for Health Care, Acko Ankarberg Johansson, signing the agreement.
Deputy Secretary for Health and Human Services, Andrea Palm, and Minister for Health Care, Acko Ankarberg Johansson, signing the agreement. Joel Apelthun/Government Offices of Sweden

Agreement with United States promotes cancer research

Sweden and the US have entered into a bilateral cooperation agreement on cancer research and care. The agreement builds on the cooperation agreement that the two countries concluded in 2016 with the aim of accelerating research results through increased exchange.

Group photo of the attending ministers.
Attending the meeting on 17 April were health and social ministers from Finland, Denmark, Norway, Iceland, the Faroe Islands and Åland, together with the Nordic Council of Ministers’ Secretary General and Secretariat. Photo: Ninni Andersson/Government offices

Screens and social media in focus when Nordic Council of Ministers for Health and Social Affairs met in Stockholm

Screen time’s impact on the health of children and young people was on the agenda when ministers from across the Nordic region met in Stockholm on 17 April. Minister for Social Affairs Jakob Forssmed hosted the meeting, which was under the auspices of the Swedish Presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers. The Council of Ministers also discussed how Nordic cooperation against antimicrobial resistance can be strengthened.

Three ministers, surrounded by people and Swedish and Ukrainian flags, hold up signed agreements.
During the conference, the three ministers – Ukraine’s Minister of Healthcare Viktor Liashko and Sweden’s Minister for Health Care Acko Ankarberg Johansson and Minister for Health and Social Affairs Jakob Forssmed – signed a memorandum ofunderstanding between Sweden and Ukraine. Photo: Magnus Liljegren/Government offices of Sweden

Key health and medical care actors gathered at conference on support to Ukraine

The will to support Ukraine is strong among Swedish health and medical care actors from both the public and private sectors. The Ministry of Health and Social Affairs and Swecare held a Conference on Support to the Recovery and Development of Health Care in Ukraine on 1 December to harness this engagement and discuss how Swedish support can be put to best use.

Content about medical care

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