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International development cooperation strategies from Ministry for Foreign Affairs

Strategy for Sweden’s regional development cooperation in Asia and the Pacific region 2016–2021 Reference No.: UD 16.038


Within the framework of this strategy, regional development cooperation in Asia and the Pacific is to contribute to increased regional integration and collaboration for sustainable development in the region.


The purpose of the activities is to contribute to strengthening the ability of regional actors to deal with transboundary challenges and opportunities in the areas of human rights, democracy and gender equality, and environment and climate change in a mutually reinforcing way. The strategy will apply in 2016–2021 and provide a total of SEK 1 800 million.

Within the framework of the strategy, the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) is expected to contribute to:

Sustainable development in Asia through mutual interaction between human rights, democracy, gender equality, environment and climate change.

With a focus on environmentally and climate-resilient sustainable development and sustainable use of natural resources:

• Enhanced regional collaboration to strengthen resilience to mutual environmental and climate problems and natural disasters

• Improved regional collaboration and sustainable use of transboundary natural resources

With a focus on human rights, democracy and gender equality:

• Strengthened capacity of regional actors to promote greater accountability and increased democratic space

• Strengthened capacity of regional actors to promote human rights and gender equality
