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Ministers on this page who have changed areas of responsibility

Between 18 October 2022 and 10 September 2024 she was Minister for Migration.

Ministers on this page who have changed areas of responsibility

Between 18 October 2022 and 10 September 2024 she was Minister for Migration.

Press release from Ministry of Justice

Increased maintenance requirement for work permits


The memorandum ‘An increased maintenance requirement for labour immigration’ was today circulated for comment. In the memorandum, the Government proposes that to be granted a work permit, a labour migrant must have a wage amounting to at least 80 per cent of the median wage.

On 30 November 2022, the Riksdag adopted the government bill ‘An increased maintenance requirement for labour immigration’. The bill states that to be granted a work permit, a labour migrant must earn a decent living through their employment. Under the bill, the precise meaning of the requirement is to be regulated by means of an ordinance. 

“This is the first step in the efforts by the Government and the Sweden Democrats to tighten the conditions for labour immigration. The proposed level aims to reduce fraud and exploitation linked to labour immigration, while making it easier for more people who are already in Sweden to take the available jobs,” says Minister for Migration Maria Malmer Stenergard (Moderate Party).

For this reason, the Government today circulated a memorandum for comment in which it is proposed that a labour migrant must have a wage amounting to at least 80 per cent of the median wage published for Sweden by Statistics Sweden. This means a maintenance requirement of SEK 26 560 per month. 

“This is another step on the way to tackling the irresponsible labour immigration that was not tightened by the Social Democrats during their eight years in power. There is no reason for Sweden to have extensive labour immigration to occupations lacking special qualifications. Unemployment in Sweden is among the highest in the EU. The starting point should therefore be that Swedish jobs should primarily go to those who live in Sweden,” says Magnus Persson, Chair of the Committee on the Labour Market and member of the Sweden Democrats. 

“Sweden needs more companies that start up, expand and employ workers. This requires a competitive business climate, but also the availability of skilled labour. We want to promote skilled labour immigration but also tighten the rules for labour immigration so as to prevent fraud, exploitation and displacement of people in exclusion. We believe that these changes will open up new work opportunities for those in our country who are currently unemployed,” says Ingemar Kihlstrom, migration policy spokesperson for the Christian Democrats.

“The new rules will make it easier for the brightest researchers and engineers to come to Sweden, and enhance the country’s attractiveness. This will help secure skills for many companies that rely on labour to develop their businesses,” says Camilla Martensen, labour market policy spokesperson for the Liberal Party.

The memorandum is based on an agreement between the Sweden Democrats, the Moderate Party, the Christian Democrats and the Liberal Party. 

It is proposed that the amendment to the ordinance enter into force on 1 October 2023.

Press contact

Erik Engstrand
Press Secretary to Minister for Migration Maria Malmer Stenergard
Phone (switchboard) +46 8 405 10 00
Ludvig Grufman
Press contact at the Sweden Democrats
Mobile +46 73 125 60 34
email to Ludvig Grufman
Matilda Nyamai
Press contact at the Christian Democrats
Mobile +46 76 297 99 87
email to Matilda Nyamai
Johannes Angessved
Press contact at the Liberals
Mobile +46 76 328 14 37
email to Johannes Angessved

Ministers on this page who have changed areas of responsibility

Between 18 October 2022 and 10 September 2024 she was Minister for Migration.

Ministers on this page who have changed areas of responsibility

Between 18 October 2022 and 10 September 2024 she was Minister for Migration.
