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Joint Statement from the International Coordination and Response Group for the victims of Flight PS752 on the criminal trials in Iran


The International Coordination and Response Group for the victims of Flight PS752, representing Canada, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and Ukraine, today issued the following joint statement:

On January 8, 2020, the Islamic Republic of Iran callously shot down Flight PS752 over Tehran. This week, Iran announced the verdicts in the criminal trials against the alleged perpetrators.

The sham trials that took place in Tehran must not distract the world from Iran’s failure to meet its international obligations and take responsibility for its actions.

Neither the trials nor the verdicts announced this week brings truth or justice to the families of the victims, as the entire process—starting with Iran’s biased investigation into the downing—lacked the necessary impartiality and transparency.

The families of the 176 innocent victims are still waiting for the justice they deserve. We continue to stand in solidarity with the families and loved ones of the victims of the downing of Flight PS752 and will not rest until justice has been served.
