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Swedish statutes in translation - labour legislation

Published Updated

The Ministry of Employment provides non-official translations of some labour legislation. (Texts on this page are currently being updated and some links may not work).

The Labour Disputes (Judicial Procedure) Act

Lag om rättegången i arbetstvister

1974:371 The Labour Disputes (Judicial Procedure) Act

Employment (Co-Determination in the Workplace) Act

Lag om medbestämmande i arbetslivet (MBL)

1976:580 Employment (Co-Determination in the Workplace) Act

Annual Leave Act


1977:480 Annual Leave Act

Work Environment Act


1977:1160 Work Environment Act

Employment Protection Act

Lag om anställningsskydd (LAS)

1982:80 Employment Protection Act

Working Hours Act


1982:673 Working Hours Act

Board Representation (Private Sector Employees) Act

Lag om styrelserepresentation för de privatanställda

1987:1245 Board Representation (Private Sector Employees) Act

Wage Guarantee Act


1992:497 Wage Guarantee Act

The Public Employment Act

Lag om offentlig anställning

1994:260 The Public Employment Act

Parental Leave Act


1995:584 Parental Leave Act

Posting of Workers Act


1999:678 Posting of Workers Act

Prohibition of Discrimination of Employees Working Part Time and Employees with Fixed-term Employment Act

Lag om förbud mot diskriminering av deltidsarbetande arbetstagare och arbetstagare med tidsbegränsad anställning

2002:293 Prohibition of Discrimination of Employees Working Part Time and Employees with Fixed-term Employment Act

The Agency Work Act

Lag om uthyrning av arbetstagare

2012:854 The Agency Work Act

Act on contractor liability for wage claims

Lag om entreprenörsansvar för lönefordringar

2018:1472 Act on contractor liability for wage claims

Act on the Protection of Persons Reporting Irregularities

Lag om skydd för personer som rapporterar om missförhållanden

2021:890 Act on the Protection of Persons Reporting Irregularities


The Swedish statutes in translation is subject to a disclaimer.

The Government Offices of Sweden maintain this website to provide general information about Swedish legislation. We aim to keep this information timely and accurate. If errors are brought to our attention, we will try to correct them.

The information provided here is intended for general information purposes only. The Government Offices accept no responsibility or liability with regard to the information on this site.

Please note that the texts:
• are not necessarily comprehensive, complete, accurate or up-to-date,
• are sometimes linked to external sites over which the Government Offices have no control and for which the Government Offices assume no responsibility,
• have no official, legal status.

The documents available on this site are not exact reproductions of officially adopted texts. Only paper editions of Svensk författningssamling, SFS (Swedish Code of Statutes) are deemed to be authentic.
