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Press release from Ministry of Defence

Government bill on military support from other states


The Government has adopted a bill proposing legislative amendments to quickly streamline Sweden’s ability to receive military support. The aim is to enable quicker decisions on receiving operational military support in the form of military forces from states that are members of the EU or NATO.

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on 24 February 2022 has made it clear that Russia does not consider itself bound to the rules-based international order on which Sweden’s security is built, and the security environment in Europe has deteriorated as a result.

In response to the current environment, the Government has adopted a bill to improve Sweden’s ability to receive operational military support in the form of military forces from states that are members of the EU or NATO.

The legislative amendments would enable the Riksdag to allow the Government – if Sweden is at war or at risk of war – to request support in the form of military forces from a state that is a member of the EU or NATO for the purpose of defending against an armed attack against Sweden in accordance with international law. The amendments would also allow the Government to request military support from such states to assist in preventing violations of Swedish territory in peace or during war between foreign states. For this purpose, the Government may delegate administrative tasks to the state providing such support.

Legislation is already in place allowing the Government to request support from Finland in these situations. It is therefore proposed that the legislation be amended to include all states that are members of the EU or NATO.

The Government presented the bill to the Riksdag on 16 May. It is proposed that the legislative amendments enter into force on 19 May 2022.
