This is civil defence
Civil defence encompasses the whole of society and comprises the collective resilience in the event of war or danger of war. Sweden’s resilience is strengthened through the preparedness of individuals, government agencies, municipalities, regions, private companies and non-governmental organisations.
Society must function and the population must be protected
Civil defence is needed to ensure that society can continue to function, even in severely compromised conditions and, ultimately, war. This includes protecting the civilian population and ensuring that the provision of essential goods and services can continue. Civil defence should also support military defence and strengthen the will to defend the country.
Direction of the 2020 Defence Resolution
The current development of civil defence is based on the Riksdag’s Defence Resolution from 2020, which in turn is based on the Government Bill Totalförsvaret 2021–2025 (‘Total defence 2021–2025’). Through the Defence Resolution, Sweden’s civil defence will be substantially reinforced.
A few examples:
- coordinated and coherent planning for the civil and military defence;
- a new structure for the responsibility, management and coordination of civil defence at central, higher regional, regional and local level;
- the Psychological Defence Agency has been established;
- a national cyber security centre (Nationellt cybersäkerhetscenter) has been established;
- collaboration between the public and private sectors has increased through the appointment of a business sector council for total defence and crisis preparedness (Näringslivsrådet för totalförsvar och krisberedskap);
- increased funding for voluntary defence organisations; and
- several inquiries have been appointed in the areas of supply preparedness, the responsibilities of municipalities and regions ahead of and in times of heightened alert, supply of personnel for civil defence and protection of the civilian population.
Priority areas for civil defence
In light of the deteriorating international situation, there is broad political consensus on further strengthening Sweden’s civil defence. The Government’s Budget Bill for 2024 includes the Government’s priorities in this area.
Investments in civil defence and crisis preparedness in the autumn budget
The Ministry of Defence is responsible for the civil defence policy area. Many other ministries, however, also take measures to strengthen civil defence in areas such as energy, health care and culture.
Everyone is needed and everyone can contribute
Civil defence begins with individual people and their own preparedness. Private individuals can strengthen their preparedness by being ready to go without electricity, access to grocery stores or water for a period of time. The more people who can manage on their own for a while, the better government agencies and organisations can focus on helping those who are in the most difficult situations. Strengthening one’s own preparedness can also involve being aware of influence campaigns and fact-checking sources.
Responsibilities of government agencies
All agencies under the Government should develop good capability to handle their tasks during peacetime crisis situations and states of heightened alert.
There are 61 government agencies that are emergency preparedness authorities of particular importance to society’s civil preparedness. County administrative boards comprise 21 of these agencies. They are divided into six civil areas, and there is an administrative board responsible for each area.
Several of the agencies are part of one or more of 10 identified preparedness sectors. Each sector is led by a responsible agency.
More about civil defence
The Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) has a particular responsibility for civil defence and provides support to government agencies, organisations, businesses and private individuals.
Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency
The Psychological Defence Agency’s responsibilities include identifying, analysing, preventing and countering foreign malign influence activities directed at Sweden. They also provide support to others’ efforts to counter these activities.
Swedish Psychological Defence Agency
The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) strengthens Sweden’s capability to prevent, detect and manage cyber threats. The Centre also provides advice and support on threats, vulnerabilities and risks.
National Cyber Security Centre Sweden (in Swedish)
The Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI) strengthens Sweden’s security through activities that build and apply knowledge. The Agency has a theme page with reports on civil defence.
Civil Defence and Emergency Preparedness – Swedish Defence Research Agency
In the event of crises and heightened alert
In the event of accidents, serious events and disruptions to vital societal functions, important messages to the public are broadcast via radio, TV and other channels. Text messages and the outdoor warning system may also be used in certain cases. compiles and conveys information from government agencies and responsible actors to the general public when there are major events. It also has information about more channels and such matters as what happens when important public announcements are broadcast to the public.
Part of total defence
Sweden’s total defence consists of two areas of activity – military defence and civil defence.